When words are both true and kind, they can change the world.

-Gautama the buddha

Tim Feldmann is a most cherished senior Ashtanga Yoga teacher who uses the practice as a profound tool for healing both the body and mind, navigating life's complexities, and exploring the deeper questions of what it means to be human.

Hailing from Denmark, Tim has been personally authorized to teach by the legendary Pattabhi Jois and Sharath Jois. He began his yoga journey in 1994 and has been devoted to the Ashtanga practice since 1999. Over the past decade, Tim has immersed himself in the study of Patañjali’s Sutras, Sankhya, Bhagavad Gita, Vedanta, and other essential texts under the guidance of distinguished scholars in South India.

Tim’s deep, experiential knowledge as an advanced Ashtanga practitioner informs his philosophical teachings, creating a unique blend of practice and wisdom. As a practitioner of Ashtanga’s Advanced A Series, he views the traditional method as a powerful path to healing, insight, and self-realization. His background as a successful international dancer and acclaimed choreographer further enriches his teaching, emphasizing anatomy, alignment, and technique.

Renowned globally for his engaging, disciplined, and detailed approach to authentic yoga, Tim is celebrated for his ability to make the practice accessible and transformative. His classes are known for their joyful rigor, where he combines compassionate guidance with a deep understanding of the discipline, inspiring students to cultivate steady practice, study, and devotion as the keys to profound personal transformation.