Kino MacGregor and Tim Feldmann, co-founders of the renowned Miami Life Center and the newly opened Miami Yoga Garage, met over two decades ago in India through Ashtanga Yoga. Their lives revolve around their shared spiritual practice in sunny Miami, where they enjoy beach walks and cultivating mangoes. Together, they bring a magical synergy to the yoga room, infusing their teaching with compassion, authenticity, and inspiration honed through over 25 years of disciplined personal practice.

Tim is a highly skilled and experienced Ashtanga yoga teacher. He offers a holistic and integrated approach to Ashtanga, blending precise physical technique with profound philosophical insights, making his teaching both comprehensive and transformative for his students. Tim's background in dance and choreography provide a unique perspective on body&mind, technique, alignment, and anatomy. Tim has practiced yoga since 1994 and Ashtanga since 1999. He is Authorized by K. Pattabhi Jois and R. Sharath Jois, reflecting his deep dedication and passion for traditional Ashtanga. Tim’s extensive studies in Indian philosophy, including Patañjali, Sankhya, and Vedanta, with prominent scholars in South India offers a valuable dimension to his teaching, uniquely helping students connect their physical practice to its philosophical root. 

Kino is a prominent figure in the global yoga community, known for her deep commitment to Yoga. Her yoga journey began at 19, and her decision to travel to India at 22 marked a turning point meeting K. Pattabhi Jois and R. Sharath Jois. Since then, Kino has cultivated a dedicated daily practice of yoga asana and introspective stillness of Vipassana meditation. Kino has made significant contributions to the yoga world through her entrepreneurial spirit. She is the founder of, author of five books, and her Yoga Inspiration podcast and strong social media presence, with over 1 million Instagram followers and 800,000 YouTube subscribers, allows her to connect with a diverse, international community of yoga practitioners. Kino’s influence extends far beyond the mat, as she uses her platforms to inspire others through her teachings, personal practice, with her insights into ancient wisdom and modern accessibility.